In August of 2023, Williams performed a solo dance piece called Coming Out In Colors which was self-choreographed with Kun-Yang Lin Dance Company in Philadelphia.

The idea that turned into reality:

Fighting with an inner and outer constant battle, a girl must decide whether or not to come out as bisexual, after spending years of her life having to suppress her emotions; conforming to a society that has broken down the existence of what a women should be and look like in 2023. She has to choose what is worth the heartache. Is it worth coming out, if the harsh reality and challenges she has been trying to avoid, finally come to fruition?

Victoria has recently established a deep love for heels and has taught classes in heels dance. She has demonstrated and expressed her authentic dance style by teaching others on how to perform authentically through passion, musicality and accents, which has occupied her past time on Thursday Nights.

*You can find her dance page below @gourmetheels on Instagram.

Victoria graduated with a BA in Acting/Theatre Performance with a minor in Dance from Rider University!

Rider’s Acting and Musical Theater Class of 2022  Photo: Kresimir Juraga,

Rider’s Acting and Musical Theater Class of 2022

Photo: Kresimir Juraga,